My Current Collection of Oils
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They say "Rome wasn't built in a day" and the same could be said for an Essential Oils collection. Oh, how I wish I could have them all! But I have to be patient and build up my collection slowly. In 2 months I have a collection of 10 beautiful bottles. And over the span of a couple of days I will use every single one of them. Some I could easily use daily but what I've read so far indicates it's important to change things up a bit so that the body doesn't become too used to a particular oil and therefore sensitised to it. So I try not to use them all every single day. I'm mostly using a combination of diffusion and topical application (rubbing on different parts of the body diluted in fractionated coconut oil. I have done a little bit of taking them internally (in water so far) but there are mixed reports on the safety of using oils internally and while the brand I use labels some of their oils as safe for internal use, I want to learn a...
Are You As Sceptical Of Essential Oils As I Am?
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I've seen some of the "hype" around Essential Oils and to be honest, I wasn't sure I was all that interested. I think in part because I find many flowers give me a headache and/or hay fever, including Lavender. And you hear Lavender talked about quite a lot when the topic of essential oils comes up. I love scented candles but again, I get a headache from those as well. And let's not get me started on how terrible perfume makes me feel!! (Uggghhh) So I guess I'd lumped Essential Oils in the same little package and decided they weren't for me. To be honest, other than "smelling nice"(sometimes), I really didn't know much about essential oils at all. A few times on social media I've seen people talking about the health benefits of essential oil but I've dismissed as being more of a placebo effect than anything (if you expect something to help it may convince you that you're feeling better). So, being so sceptical...
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Hi and welcome to my journey with essential oils. I'm Jodes from rural South Australia. And when I say "rural" I really mean "rural". Like we live a 20 minute drive to the nearest shops. Insanity for a shopaholic like myself! But it kind of grows on you after a while. Lots of space. Not too much noise. The air smells pretty good unless my husband (or a nearby neighbour) has been spraying. Or we have sheep in the yards (not so much now that we don't have sheep full time). It's a pretty nice lifestyle once you get used to it. My husband and I have 4 children. The firstborn has semi flown the coop and lives in Adelaide. The next is about to spread her wings and head away to school about 150km from here. Thankfully she'll be home on weekends as I'm not ready to lose her just yet (who am I kidding, I'm never gonna be ready for my kids to leave home). The 2 youngest are 13 and 4 so they'll be hanging around for a ...